Dealer Polytechniek continues as Schadenberg Installatietechniek

Dealer Polytechniek continues as Schadenberg Installatietechniek

Dealer Polytechniek continues as Schadenberg Installatietechniek

As of July 1, 2024, Sercom dealer Polytechniek has continued under the name Schadenberg Installatietechniek.

What does this mean for their business relationships? In fact, nothing changes for them. The cooperation will continue as usual. The business processes, contact persons, and service conditions remain the same. As part of the Schadenberg Groep, Schadenberg Installatietechniek can benefit from increased capacity and expertise, which helps to better meet customer expectations.

Contact details

The website, email addresses, and phone number have changed:

Phone number +31 (0)85 23 93 640
Email address
Website Schadenberg Installatietechniek

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