With the advanced software from SERCOM, you get more out of your computer. The software is developed on an universal platform. Product brochures can be downloaded by clicking on the download icon.
An overview of software products by SERCOM:
With the SercoLink Server you can exchange information between different process computers in the company. This makes it possible to optimalise the energy input and share the data from a weather station.
Dynamic Adjustable Setpoints (DAS)
With Dynamic Adjustable Setpoints it’s possible for the grower to adjust really EVERY setting in a graphical way. It is a great benefit for the grower that it’s now possible to program the influences on the set points by himself. By doing so the grower can make the exact influence he needs for his own specific circumstances.
Applying ozone is an efficient and environmentally friendly way to prevent mold growth. More and more (flower bulb) companies therefore use the ozonisation technique. SERCOM has developed software to make a link between ozone equipment and SercoVision.