SERCOM Regeltechniek B.V.


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GreenTech 2014 van start in Amsterdam

Visit GreenTech Amsterdam 2016

Visit second edition GreenTech Amsterdam The second edition GreenTech in the RAI in Amsterdam takes place from June 14th until 16th. The final list of participants shows a lot of Dutch companies and...
SERCOM-gebruiker André Busigel ontwikkelt komkommerbier

German Sercom user develops cucumber beer

German Sercom user develops cucumber beer Cucumber drinks have been growing in popularity for years. Water or sparkling water with a slice of cucumber is healthy and trendy and hip clubs complete...
Ploumen bezoekt Oekraïense kas Teplichny

Dutch Minister Ploumen visits Pavlodarsky Teplichny

Dutch Minister Ploumen visits Pavlodarsky Teplichny Last month a Dutch horticulture trade mission took place between The Netherlands and Ukraine. Dutch Minister Ploumen visited the largest tomato...
GreenTech Q&A with air quality specialist

GreenTech Q&A with air quality specialist

GreenTech Q&A with air quality specialist Crop optimisation needs to include measuring air quality. While measuring and controlling climate and irrigation in greenhouses has been a common practice...
Glazen kas in Tunesische woestijn was bewuste keuze

Glass greenhouse in Tunisian desert

Glass greenhouse in Tunisian desert At the end of February 2015, construction of a more than 4.5 hectare greenhouse started in El Hamma in the south of Tunisia, in the Tunisian desert. The project was...
SERCOM deelnemer IFTF IHTF Vijfhuizen

SERCOM and partners at IFTF

SERCOM and partners at IFTF 2015 As in previous years, SERCOM will be present at IFTF 2015 along with its partners EMS and installation specialists Eval. We hope to welcome you there. There will...
Take Me Home wint Award

Take Me Home wins Award

Take Me Home wins Award Thai tomato grower Take Me Home has scooped the “Best Entrepreneur Award”. They received it during the business awards gala of the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of...
Asia Consistent production for Thai growers

Asia: Consistent production for Thai growers

Asia: Consistent production for Thai growers For almost 3,5 years now, a ‘Sercom’ irrigation computer manages the irrigation and fertigation of their 11 greenhouses with great success. “Based on...
Better results with SERCOM labour registration system

Better results with Sercom labour registration system

Better results with Sercom labour registration system More control over work and production in the greenhouse means more efficiency. SERCOM, together with Nitea, has developed a practical solution for...
SERCOM met partners op Horti Asia beurs

SERCOM represented at Horti ASIA

SERCOM at 4th Horti ASIA We invite you to visit us at the 4th Horti ASIA 2015. Apply below for your registration-form so you have free entrance for the exhibition. Like last year our partners Take Me...
Veel bezoekers bij beurs dealer Poldrip

Partner Poldrip successful at Gardeners Days

Sercom partner Poldrip successful at Gardeners Days It was a busy weekend for Sercom partner Poldrip, who is market leader in the horticulture business in Poland. During the Gardeners Days different...
SERCOM en D.A.T.T. samen op Horti Asia

D.A.T.T. and SERCOM together at Horti Asia

Dutch agri entrepreneurs prosper with tomatoes in Thai market In 2004, Dutch entrepreneurs Thomas Ruiter and Menno Keppel dipped their toes in Thai agriculture. Now, ten years later, they are the...
SERCOM automatiseert moderne kas in Vietnam

SERCOM automates modern greenhouse in Vietnam

Modern climate control At the Saigon Hi-Tech Park (SHTP) in Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), a demonstration project for professional horticulture has been set up. SERCOM supplied a modern climate control and...
SERCOM deelnemer IFTF IHTF Vijfhuizen

Visit us at IFTF in Vijfhuizen

IFTF fully booked The organisation of the IFTF already announced that all halls are fully booked for this year. SERCOM will be present with EVAL and EMS as well. There will be plenty to see at the...
GreenTech 2014 van start in Amsterdam

Visit us at the GreenTech in Amsterdam

Sercom Plaza From June 10th until June 12th the GreenTech will be organised in Amsterdam. You can find SERCOM together with our partners in Sercom Plaza in Hall 11 at booth number 11.430. In our booth...
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