Spranco-Matic new dealer for Belgium

Spranco-Matic new dealer for Belgium Some time ago Bosman Van Zaal Belgium closed the office in Sint-Katelijne-Waver. This meant that the services our Belgian customers were used to were no longer available. Support Belgian customers SERCOM finds it very important that end users can receive the necessary technical and commercial…

Sercom end user Yili Farm (Singapore)

Sercom end user Yili Farm (Singapore) Singapore’s agricultural landscape is undergoing a remarkable transformation with its governments ‘30/30’ ambitions; locally producing 30% of the fresh produce, consumed domestically, by the year 2030. Our latest greenhouse irrigation project is commissioned at ‘Yili Farm’. This is a renowned leafy greens grower in…

Dealer day 2023 successful

Dealer day 2023 successful On 29 March last, a dealer day was organised at SERCOM for the Dutch dealers. Our German dealer was also present. The turnout was high and important new developments such as CloudVision, SercoVision 6, SercoVision options, new applications of the wireless system and updates within the…

Projects with VGB Watertechniek

Projects with VGB Watertechniek Expansion Berry Brothers and new process computer for Proeftuin Randwijk Last summer, SERCOM, in collaboration with VGB Watertechniek (VGB), supplied an installation for irrigating soft fruit and controlling a greenhouse. The Wireless Xtender was used for this, which controls several irrigation units from a large distance.…