SERCOM Regeltechniek B.V.



Onze maatregelen m.b.t. het coronavirus

[Englisch] Maßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit dem Corona-Virus

Our measures with regard to the coronavirus The current circumstances of the corona virus affect our day-to-day activities very profoundly. Our industry is also going through very difficult times at...
Nederlandse badmintonmannen stunten op EK voor landenteams

[Englisch] Dutch badminton men take second place at European Team Championships

European Team Championships 2020 From Tuesday 11 to Sunday, February 16, the European Team Championships took place in Liévin (France). The Dutch badminton men’s team, including Robin Tabeling...
HortiContact 2020

HortiContact 2020

HortiContact 2020 Vom 18. bis 20. Februar 2020 findet die HortiContact 2020 im Evenementenhal in Gorinchem statt.. SERCOM ist auch dabei! Besuchen Sie unseren Stand (F149)! Klicken Sie auf...
2de plaats Innovatieprijs MechanisatieTentoonstelling

2. Platz Innovationspreis auf Ausstellung zur Mechanisierung

2. Platz Innovationspreis auf Ausstellung zur Mechanisierung Während der Mechanisierungsausstellung Anfang Januar gewannen Green Simplicity und SERCOM den zweiten Platz beim Innovationspreis. Der...
Fruit Logistica 2020

Fruit Logistica 2020

Fruit Logistica 2020 Die Fruit Logistica 2020 findet vom 5. bis 7. Februar in Berlin statt. SERCOM wird auch vertreten sein mit einem Stand. Sie können uns in Halle 3.2, Stand A-19 besuchen. Kaufen...
Tien nieuwe klimaatcomputers in Duitsland

[Englisch] Ten new climate computers in Germany

Ten new climate computers for potato storage cells in Germany! After the recent cooperation with the German company Van Amerom GmbH, this partner already sold and delivered 10 new climate computers...

[Englisch] NCU new Chinese partner

First climate computer for China and cooperation with new Chinese partner We recently signed contracts for a long-term partnership with the Chinese company NCU. They will distribute our climate...
Картофельная система

[Englisch] SERCOM in Картофельная система

SERCOM in Картофельная система Recently an article about SERCOM was published in a Russian agri magazine by Картофельная система. This article highlights several things. First there’s a short...


AGRITECHNICA From November 10th until November 16th AGRITECHNICA takes place in Hanover, Germany. We will be present too. In our dealer Van Amerom’s stand to be more precise (hall 24, stand C24)...
Britse tuinbouwsector

[Englisch] SERCOM enters British horticulture sector

SERCOM enters British horticulture with first climate computer The third quarter of 2019 marks the point that SERCOM supplied the very first climate control computer system in a greenhouse in England...
Draadloze primeur in the USA

[Englisch] Wireless debut in the USA!

Wireless debut in the USA! At the end of September 2019 we received the definitive order from a renowned producer of cut flowers in the United States: Holland America Flowers. This company has...
Tabeling en Piek winnaars Dutch Open 2019

[Englisch] Tabeling and Piek winners of Dutch Open 2019

Robin Tabeling and Selena Piek winners Dutch Open 2019 During the Dutch Open of 2019, Robin Tabeling and Selena Piek (placed third) became first in the mixed doubles. In the semi-finals, Tabeling and...
100-jarig jubileum Grimme

[Englisch] 100th „SERCOM“ in Scandinavia

SERCOM and GRIMME install 100th computer in Scandinavia Earlier this year, GRIMME, our partner in Denmark, installed the 100th Sercom climate computer in Scandinavia. This system has been delivered to...
SERCOM introduceert Wireless Xtender

[Englisch] New mobile greenhouse with Wireless Xtender

New mobile greenhouse with Wireless Xtender We recently received the assignment to equip some roll-up (mobile) greenhouses in Noord-Holland (Dutch province), with our wirelessly-controlled field...
Nieuw software-abonnementen

[Englisch] Software subscriptions: a great success

Software subscriptions: a great success We recently launched the possibility to purchase software options in the form of a subscription. Our software offers many different options, but not every...
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