SERCOM Regeltechniek B.V.



Potato Europe in Emmeloord

[Englisch] Potato Europe – looking for new dealers

Looking for new dealers/partners During Potato Europe in Emmeloord we will be presenting ourselves. We would like to meet/get in touch with new dealers/partners in the potato sector. Are you...
Potato Europe in Emmeloord

[Englisch] Potato Europe in Emmeloord, The Netherlands

Potato Europe in Emmeloord 13 and 14 September Potato Europe will take place in Emmeloord, The Netherlands. This year’s theme is “Potatoes feed/meet the world”. During this event around 250 exhibitors...
SERCOM-computer bekijken in Guatemala

[Englisch] Visiting our new Sercom computer in Guatemala

Trade visit to Florida and Guatemala On the occasion of the opening of Ter Laak AmericaS in Guatemala, a trade visit to Florida and Guatemala will be organised. This will be done together with...
SERCOM met partners op Horti Asia beurs

[Englisch] SERCOM at Horti ASIA

SERCOM represented at Horti ASIA 2017 This week (15-17 March) SERCOM is represented at Horti ASIA 2017, an international trade show for Horticultural & Floricultural Production and Processing...
SERCOM met partners op Horti Asia beurs

[Englisch] SERCOM represented at Horti ASIA 2017

Horti ASIA 2017 We invite you to visit us at Horti ASIA 2017. Click the image below in order to request your registration form so you have free entrance for the exhibition. Use our private invitation...

Neu entwickelte Software

Neue Kühlsoftware Seit drei Jahren läuft unsere neue Kühlsoftware auf verschiedenen Betrieben. Unternehmen, die jetzt damit reglen, haben jetzt durchschnittlich 10% weniger Energiekosten. Insbesondere...
SERCOM partner Grimme succesvol op Agromek 2016

[Englisch] Partner Grimme successful at Agromek 2016

Grimme successful at Agromek (Denmark) 2016 Since 2013 Grimme has already sold 60 Sercom computers with the Storage Manager. The computers are used for drying and storage rooms of potatoes, carrots...
SERCOM deelnemer IFTF IHTF Vijfhuizen

SERCOM mit Partnern auf der IFTF

SERCOM mit Partnern auf der IFTF SERCOM wird mit Partnern, so wie die anderen Jahre, gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern, Installationsbüro EVAL und EMS, ebenfalls anwesend sein und wird Ihnen an den...
SERCOM-gebruiker Arjan Bos rijdt Dakar Rally

[Englisch] Sercom user will be racing in Dakar Rally

Dakar Rally by dirt bike „I did ride through the greenhouse once,“ Arjan Bos says. „But there weren’t any peppers then. It was during the crop change. I just wanted to give it...
SERCOM represented at the GPEC 2016 in Tokyo

[Englisch] SERCOM represented at the GPEC 2016 in Tokyo

SERCOM represented at GPEC 2016 in Tokyo Bas van der Velden of Veldex represented SERCOM with the SC400 at the booth of his Japanese partner HOAGS at GPEC 2016. Last week the biannual GPEC Greenhouse...
SERCOM end user starts cultivation in Guatemala

[Englisch] Sercom end user starts cultivation in Guatemala

Ter Laak about to start phalaenopsis cultivation in Guatemala One of the largest Dutch orchid growers, Ter Laak Orchids, is almost ready to start the cultivation of its first phalaenopsis plants in...
Improved coco buffering with new dose unit with SC400

[Englisch] Improved coco buffering with new dose unit with SC400

Improved coco buffering with new dose unit with SC400 During the last two decades, ever growing concerns regarding slow renewal of sphagnum peat, which is widely used in agriculture for production of...
GreenTech 2014 van start in Amsterdam

[Englisch] Visit GreenTech Amsterdam 2016

Visit second edition GreenTech Amsterdam The second edition GreenTech in the RAI in Amsterdam takes place from June 14th until 16th. The final list of participants shows a lot of Dutch companies and...
SERCOM-gebruiker André Busigel ontwikkelt komkommerbier

Gurkenbier oder ein alkoholhaltiger Gurkensalat?

Gurkenbier oder ein alkoholhaltiger Gurkensalat? André Busigel vom Gemüsebaubetrieb Reinhard Busigel GbR in Albertshofen findet schon immer, daß sich Gurken besonders gut als Zutat für leckere...
Ploumen bezoekt Oekraïense kas Teplichny

[Englisch] Dutch minister Ploumen visits Pavlodarsky Teplichny

Dutch Minister Ploumen visits Pavlodarsky Teplichny Last month a Dutch horticulture trade mission took place between The Netherlands and Ukraine. Dutch Minister Ploumen visited the largest tomato...
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